Friday, February 3, 2012

Our Bedroom

I thought I would share the rooms of the Shouse.  I've already posted about the lounge room here. This one is about our bedroom.

I actually took these photos a long time ago (look how tiny Claire is). It was obviously winter and I remember that Milly was spending a few days with my parents.  Claire was still a newborn and doing lots of sleeping (something she could do with a refresher course on at the moment) so I used the quiet, uninterrupted time to clean our room and take some photos.  After looking at these photos for the first time since I took them, I am planning to clean the room tomorrow, because it is looking a lot more cluttered right now!

Here it is:

Claire's corner

This side actually has the cot in it now, instead of the bassinet.

That's the back of the lounge room that the mirror is leaning on.

Now I just have to find a time when Milly's room and the kitchen are looking tidy enough to photograph when I know where the camera is!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha Shouse, I love it. That's what call this place when the kids mess it up. But our shouse doesn't stand for Shed and house if you get my drift. haha
